Sexual Arousal Disorder

What Is Sexual Arousal Disorder?

Sexual arousal disorder is a condition where there is a persistent inability to become or remain sexually aroused during sexual activity. It can lead to frustration, low self-esteem, and problems in intimate relationships. The condition may be situational or consistent across all sexual encounters. Addressing both physical and psychological aspects can often lead to improvement.

What Causes Sexual Arousal Disorder?

What Are the Treatments for Sexual Arousal Disorder?

Frequently Asked Questions

Can anxiety cause sexual arousal disorder?
Yes, anxiety can interfere with arousal and overall sexual response.
Conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and hormonal imbalances can affect arousal.
Yes, treatments such as hormone therapy, adjusting current medications, or using Clitoxin, a medication designed to improve sexual arousal, may help depending on the underlying cause.
Yes, with the right diagnosis and treatment plan, many cases can be managed effectively.
Yes, stress management, a healthy diet, and regular exercise can support better sexual arousal.